Tuesday, March 3, 2009

...the wholeness of my human existence

You know I do this blog almost every day and I hope that someone, reads it. It is my life and to me it is very interesting... within the soul... I am not flashy, but love to dress up, and if that means being flashy for the moment, so be it. My soul is on fire at this point. Feel many emotions all wrapped up in one -- the wholeness of my human exitence...

I am going to share a very personal moment with you. I just felt a vision, a thought of not seeing my son for a very long time and it being 10-20 years from now and meeting up with him. It brought tears to my eyes. Maybe this is what they call a premonition. It will be recorded here. How sad that whole thought has made me! I just pray that it is not true, not true at all! That I see him way before that, closer to now than then! And yet I am very happy. It is a passing moment of being a mother and that is too complex to even begin to describe it. But ooof, I can feel, that's for sure! And the intensity of that feeling is what makes me a special human being able to share same with you making you part of the special circle! Corny enough for you! U are either here or not here and if you is u are part of the circle of trust! (slightly "DeNiroish").

A Puertorican twitter told me there is a puertorican on American Idol tonight! Jorge Nunez, fua, fua, fua! Boricua Fua! Well I was trying to check it out but don't have the patience. You know puertoricans says that they would do anything with the puertorican flag over their heads, even sex with an ugly woman. Is a saying.... Puertoricans welcome other cultures and people... that is how I came to be. Mami, puertorican married my Daddy, anglo from Brooklyn, NY, ex, NY cop, ex navy dude, ex fireman, ex dad... and then he died. But we are open to other cultures, other cultures are running through my vaines. At times they are in conflict with each other, and I try my best to agree to disagree.

Go burn some oil and relax with sparkling water, wine, soda, whatever is your beverage of choice, but make sure it is one you love.

Bought some some oils.... listen to some of these names White Gardenia, Sex on the Beach, Red Rose, Eucalyptus Blossom, Sea Breeze, and Egyptian Musk... takes me back to early 70s, Musk everybody was using musk oil... that was the in thing! I'll let you know if I get lucky with the Sex on the Beach oil, and where exactly is one supposed to put it on. "Mom, does it come with directions?"

50 in Miami tonight and tomorrow morning. But this evening it feels colder than yesterday. Long line in Miami for a job fare under the cold. Today it was very cold for Miami after temperature dropped 20 degrees. I wore tights under my pants. Never do I do that! Not in Miami. This year it has been colder than other years and absolutely beautiful weather. Not always good weather... we had our share of Wilma and Katrina. Katrina hit us hard in South Florida but it was so devastating in New Orleans, that noone paid any attention to us or did we dare speak up!

If you don't know it by now, I am the scent queen, no with a capital "Q" Queen! I love my home to smell appealing and beautiful to me. I find it very expensive to maintain the small plug ins, which I do love by the way, and candles. I have just started to experiment with oils and they last forever and the candles go off on their own and the scent is different, its like in the molecules of the air. I only have an oil burner in my newly redone spa bathroom and the oil scent makes it peaceful. I turn it on when I go in the morning... go make coffee and drink it and by the time I take a shower, the whole house smells and I am relaxed...

Thank you for letting me be in your life this evening... from mine to yours... de la mia a la tuya...y por la sombrita or walk in the shade! Cogelo suave pero cogelo! Take it easy but take it!

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