Sunday, August 30, 2009

... made contact

Looking at photos and found what I refer to as the "tree of life!" I put my mami's ashes under this tree in Guavate park and called it this because she gave me life, so I am sharing again with you... Why? Just because she was on my mind and in tribute to her life!

Mami loved this song and loved Luis Miguel so in her honor today. Maybe she will hear it wherever she is... What do you think? As I said before in another blog, when I played this song for her after her stroke she puckered her lips and I realized then that she understood! Brought a big smile to my face and to hers. We made contact!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


And wanted my baby to see it all over the internet, if necessary, but so as not to embarrass him, I'll just keep it simple and more intimate!

And this song I dedicate to you.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Miami ... by Will Smith

Will Smith interpretation of Miami. Loving my music morning! I used to call this song "Welcome to Miami" "Bienvenido a Miami" because it repeats this over and over again! The video of the song which I have attached is wonderful! Enjoy:

By the way and Will's photo is also special... The brother does look good!

ALSO 40 year anniversary of ....

The Beatles famous Abby Road photo has been imitated by many but here is the original one taken 40 years ago this week. I am adding a video of the 10 favorite Beatles' songs ever. It is a very musical day for me today since it is the anniversary of Woodstock, it has taken me back!

Enjoy the video:

Jimmy Hendrix - Woodstock 1969 - National Anthem!

Hendrix doing the National Anthem at Woodstock! Went to Seattle, WA a few years ago and went to the Music Museum only to realize that Hendrix as I thought was not Jamaican and he was born and raised in Seattle. It was the 4th of July so we went to see the fireworks by the water and everyone was playing Hendrix. It was what I define as one of the "moments" of my life that I will always remember... seeing the fireworks with Hendrix guitar singing, just singing to us the anthem. Here is the real Woodstock video of his interpretation. Enjoy.

Bill Clinton, not so sure...

I voted for Clinton and feel that everyone believed that his presidency was good and dandy because the economy soared. Well the economy soared under him because he started the deregulation of the banking and the housing industry. Things were good and our homes were just worth so much more. Well 911 came and brought the economy down a bit but it bounced back because this deregulation was a monster in disguise. So yes there is a reason why Clinton was criticized.

Clinton also did the dry feet bill that Cubans in boats arriving to the shores would be deported if they were not on land. That to me was a very cruel act to these humans that risked their lives to get a better life in the waters of Atlantic.

Clinton also massacred people at Waco, Texas and that was the icing on the cake. I lost respect for him. How he handled that situation is how American handles their wars. They felt they were fighting a war and just killed all these innocent people. If we do that with our own we cannot expect us to do anything better with the rest of the world.

The NAFTA helped Mexico and Canada while it crippled the border states and islands in the Caribbean whose trade was completely diminished by the new trade with Mexico. Why? Because Mexicans would work for almost nothing.

You touched a nerve mentioninig the criticism of Clinton, which I believe was rightfully so. I did not judge him with the Monica issue because to me that was his business whether or not he wanted to perform oral sex in a closet under the desk or wherever. As far as I was concerned that would take off some stress and he would preside better, since his wife was not obviously satisfying him, which is another can of worms.

I am not saying that the Republicans did not take advantage of this deregulation because they did, but it was our boy Bill who put this monster in action and we all felt so so good about the growing economy until it burst in our face and the face of the world.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Spiritual Sex: Begin the Practice by Linda E. Savage

The Huffington Post posted this today on their webpage. Since I wanted to become a Sex Therapist, I found this article very interesting and want to share it with you. It could benefit you in your own sexual experience.

Linda E. Savage
Marriage and Family Therapist and Sex Educator

First, I want to thank you for your comments -- I was overwhelmed by the great response to the launch of this blog. Along with some truly wonderful stories by those of you who have experienced some form of ecstatic sex there has been a fascinating dialectic between opposite opinions and I welcome them all. I want to be clear that these ecstatic moments can also come from deep meditation or even from watching a sunset, but since my topic is about sex, that's what we'll be exploring. Anything I say is necessarily condensed; it comes from 30 years of study, experience, dialogue with experts in the field, and fascinating stories from anyone who is willing to share. Since some people questioned the existence of the cultures I mentioned, any of you who want to email me, via my website,, will receive a reference list of books, starting with Harvard anthropologist Marija Gimbutas and you can look into the research on pre-patriarchal cultures.

It is true that our relationship with sexuality is complicated by everything that makes us human. We are all experts on our own experience, so in that regard, everyone who speaks for themselves is absolutely right. Since we are all influenced by culture and ours is particularly ambivalent about sex, much of our feelings about the subject get reflected in attitudes: the meaning we attach to sex. I know there are other models of sexuality and the one most prevalent in popular media is the Biological model. The attempt to reduce sex to physical and chemical components, a bit like plumbing systems, is perhaps a way to control the mystery of it all; but the mystery is what makes sex so interesting. As a colleague of mine, Dr. Leonore Tiefer said, to limit sexuality to biology makes it more like digestion than dancing. I choose dancing.

Let's start with the experience of sexual energy. You can try this exercise by yourself. It helps if you know how to do pelvic rocking. Lie down with your knees bent, feet about hip distance apart, and your low back flat on the floor (don't try this if you have back problems). As you rock your pelvis back with a slight arch, breathe in and as you tuck your pelvis, breathe out. Do this for just a few minutes and then lower your knees, straightening them to rest on the floor and continue breathing. Visualize energy moving up your spine with the in-breath and moving down the front of your body with the out breath.

When we rouse sexual energy, it is like a sleeping serpent come to life: the Kundalini. Sexuality is much more than a physical act; it is energy within our bodies. These are concepts taught in all of the esoteric traditions of sacred sexuality. How we choose to express sexuality depends on many variables and when you express this energy with a partner, the choices of expression expand exponentially. But when there is a deep connection with another, when you are truly present together, there is a creative blending of body and spirit, mind and heart. Here is where the practice of spiritual sex begins. Your heart must open, to yourself and to your partner.

Heart opening is energetic as well as psychological. You are creating a container to become conduits of loving energy. It requires partners to shift into loving the essence or the spirit of their partner, not the outer layers of everyday, ordinary life. To begin with learn to create sacred space together. Here's an exercise called Touching Hearts:

After creating a safe and beautiful setting, sit opposite your partner in chairs, on cushions, or on the floor. For a few moments you may choose to simply breathe deeply and make eye contact, or to say a few words of appreciation for your partner. Once you both feel completely relaxed, each of you will place your right hand on the other's heart, and then place your left hand over the partner's hand, closing your eyes. With relaxed breathing, focus on the warm feeling in your heart region. Imagine a warm sun, expanding to encompass your whole body and your partner's body, and the entire space around you. This will take a few moments. When you are ready, rest your hands in your lap, open your eyes and look into your partner's eyes. Repeat the following words: first one partner will say the first phrase and then the other repeats the same phrase, until all three have been spoken.

"May you be safe,"
"May you be happy,"
"May your heart be filled with joy."

After breathing deeply for a few moments, move into holding each other.

Both these exercises offer direct experiences: of sexual energy and of conscious loving. Rather than simply judging from the mind, I'd like you to try one or both and then share your experience in the comments. That's where we begin to explore the mystery together. I hope to hear from you.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

... moments that somehow move me...

I found this today on my computer. I wrote this a while back and today and I needed to hear it. So here I share and hope it will make you think and appreciate the moments. Today I was happy and thought I would have a glorious day and I got ill. It made me angry to feel this way... So then I started to search for answers and found it right here under my nose... my own answer ... Its about the "moments." I must relinquish the time from my soul. Just flow with what life brings me and make the best of it knowing that I will only experience moments of glee of bliss and moments of challenging experiences that should, if I let them, make me grow as a human being. If I could only do the letting go without leaving a mark, I would feel so much better. So here it is.

I must always remember to thank, appreciate my inner being, my body, my universe for those moments, moments that somehow move me in ways that make me feel life in every cell of my body.
  • Moments in my life that make my soul shine, my body ignite in every possible way through my journey.
  • Moments, just moments as the elation felt after eating the most scrumptious chocolate cake, moment of thrill when receiving an unexpected raise… moments … yearning for, anticipation of a call, a phone message, waking moment in the middle of the night with the full moon shining through my bedroom shutters.
  • That very moment when they placed the American flag on my hands at my Dad’s funeral.
  • Moments that make me feel, just feel.
  • Moments when I read a passage, an email that brings tears to my eyes.
  • Yes, even those challenging moments I don’t usually welcome that move me, make me, change me, and define me.
  • Moments will weave the cloth of my existence through this journey. At the end of my road these will be handed down to the children that will inherit my world.
  • Moment at my mami's funeral service when my girls from DC came to give me the peace and I screamed with joy, they surprised me on such a moment in my life!
  • An finally the one moment that I will never, ever compare to any other moment in my life... the bliss felt at my son's birth!

Friends, don’t move so fast. You’ll miss the moments that change our souls, inspire us, ignite us, and flavor our existence…

pragmatism v idealism

Open to discussion... what do you think?

The Vet! ... funny

So what are you perceiving, seeing here?

The Law of Relativity -- A New Perspective

After I wrote Voices, I found this wonderful article on Adam Price’s understanding of the law of relativity and how we can use it to bring about harmony.

The Law of Relativity – a New Perspective
By Adam Price

When trying to understand the law of relativity, our first principle to understand is in reality nothing is good or bad, it's just the way it should be in a perfect state of grace. It's when we as humans living on this earth plane, decide to compare ourselves or our situations (whether we're in dire straits or going well) that discontentment sets it.

The law of relativity states, if we practice relating our situations to something worse off than ourselves, then we'll always be happy and feel blessed. However if we practice relating to those "perceived" in our own mind as being better off than we are, then we could possibly be quite miserable at times.

"Nothing is good or bad until it's related to something of meaning to you"

And we find as we dig deeper into understanding the laws of the universe that everything is relative to something. For example, all the laws are related to one another in some way shape or form. So you'll learn that there is no big or small, fast or slow, except by comparison of our perceptions. Therefore every law there is, must be relative to all the other laws.

The ways of the great are also the ways of the not so great, the term for this is "The Way" and is summed up one of the greatest books of all time by an author known as Lao Tzu in a prolific writing known as the "Tao Te Ching" (pronounced Dow De Ching). This writing has something like 82 lessons around this concept and is very deep, and at the same time is very easy to understand, and the best book of understanding of this writing and deciphering of the lessons is by spiritual master Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book and CD "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life".

So in other words all the laws are in harmony, when relatively compared to each other. If you can gain a grasp on this concept, then you'll have a chance to understand and solve the seemingly mystical secrets of the universe that often seem paradoxical in nature. So when we look at the "fourth dimension" in our lives, which is basically our spirit and how it drives our lives, we can boil it down to our rate of vibration as energy cells. The faster we vibrate the lighter we are and therefore can appear as spirits or those who possess magical qualities, yet compared to a denser form of vibration, we are more mortal than spiritual. Yet for this comparison to hold true, it's all relative to the faster or slower vibrating energy.

So in brining the law of relativity into the world of mere mortals, we can look upon it this way. When we properly use the law or relativity we win. Keep in mind that we all have a certain skill set or ability that we can do better than others, so compare or "relate" yourself to those who have abilities that aren't superior to yourself and you'll build your self-esteem up, rather than putting yourself down. This is the way of the law of relativity, and within this truth you will become aware of how special you are with this truth in mind.


Dissenting voices
Voices of reason
Voices of idealists
Voices of pragmatists
Voices of irrationals
Voices of love
Voices of anger
Voices of fear
Voices of the healthy
Voices of the ill
Voices of the living
Voices of the dying
Voices of the caregivers
Voices of our government
Voices of senators
Voices of congressmen
Voices of terrorists
Voices of the communist
Voices of white supremacists
Voices of the KKK
Voices of the white
Voices of the people of color
Voices of your elders
Voices of loneliness
Voices of destruction
Voices of a schizophrenic mind
Voices of a rational mind
Voices all voices
Voices of the poor
Voices of the rich
Voices of the hicks
Voices of the erudite
Voices of the ignorant
Voices of the predators
Voices of the prey
Voices of humanity
Voices of terrorists
Voices of your neighbor
Voices of your leaders
Voices of your followers
Voices of your mother
Voices of your father
Voices of your children
Voices of your friends
Voices of your lovers
Voices of your doctors
Voices of journalists
Voices voices voices
I hear each and every one
They all tell a story
They are all an interpretation of the truth
They are all based on the law of relativity
They all are what they are through their own looking glass
They all are relative to their perception
To the ladybug the leaf is flat
To me the leaf is not
To the cubans Fidel is a monster
To his brother he is family
To the world Hitler was a criminal
To his wife her lover
To the world Manson is the devil
To his followers he was God
To us the homeless home is a nuisance
To the homeless it is home
To us the face of homelessness is blank
To the homeless it is not
Perception perception perception
Perception defines our lives
Our thoughts
Our actions
Our behavior
Journalists write about this
We call them opinion editorials
We can only see our reality, our truth,
our perception from our own looking glass
the prisoner of war’s perception of his capturers
is different from the capturer’s mother
Your truth, my truth, their truth, our truth


I then read this about the theory of relativity which I found interesting:

The theory of relativity was revolutionary because it showed how the speed at which time happens is mutable; that space and time are not discrete entities: time and space and motion (ie, movement through space) collapse into a fourth dimension, in which all act on each other. It is impossible to say "now" without saying "here" and "how fast".

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A View From Above

A view from above Atlantis astronauts carried out five back-to-back spacewalks to fix and upgrade the 19-year-old Hubble Space Telescope, adding five to 10 years to Hubble's the observatory's lifetime. Scientists hope to begin beaming back the results by early September.

These photos are extraordinary. Canadian involvement in space travel? I was ignorant as to the space involvement of the Canadians. See we learn something every day. I do know the Russians are involved since the Cold war... These photos made me think about my relativity article and my Voices piece. It all seems so relative after seeing these...

P.S.: A very dear Canadian friend just told me that Canadians made the "arm" with Canada written all over it! Nice concept of unity amongst common purposes!

10 paintings of women immortalized by famous artists

Flaming June... how lovely art thou!
The Mona Lisa of course is one of my favorites. But my all time favorite of this bunch is the one I am posting above. I saw this at the National Gallery of Art and of all the paintings I saw that day this one captured all of my senses! The sensuous display of the woman's body so gracefully, delicately, adorned by this blazing orange nightgown just ignites something within me. What a treat! Go treat yourself to the rest of the photos of 10 paintings of women imortalized by famous artists... Which one is your favorite?

Flaming June, is widely considered to be Frederic Lord Freigton’s magnum opus today and vividly portrays the artist’s classicist nature. The painting starkly recalls one of Michelangelo’s “Night” in the Medici chapel in Florence. However, according to Leighton the set up was not intentionally designed; it came about naturally when his exhausted model Dorothy Dene was resting.

Dorothy Dene who was chosen by Leighton as the one woman“whose face and figure most closely tallied with his ideal” was also an English actress, and modeled for many of Leighton’s works. Dene was also was known as the most beautiful woman in England in the 1890s. Rumors implied that Leighton was in love with Dene before he died, but the artist and the model could never be married because of the long gap in their years – Leighton was seventy and Dene was only twenty-eight!

Flaming June was auctioned in the 1960s, during a period of time known to be difficult for selling Victorian era paintings, where it failed to sell for its low reserve price of $140 USD. But the painting gained immense popularity with the revival of the Victorian Era and was rescued from obscurity when it was purchased by the Ponce Museum of Art in Puerto Rico, where it currently resides.


Sonia from the Bronx... to the Highest Court of the Land, THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT! [Like Jenni from the Block!] He! He! Same heritage!
Sonia, Sonia, Sonia, as a puertorican I am immensely proud of you... as a person of color (as they so politically correct want to refer to us) I am encouraged that we may be moving into a color blind society... as a woman... oh, I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to have one of us being represented amongst the "Pat Buchanan's White Boy's Club!"
This as welll as Barack's presidency brings hope for us people of color!

Unexpected Divorce Intro

This was too funny not to share. Go in and watch if you need a laugh today...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Justice at Guantanamo: One Woman's Odyssey and Her Crusade for Human Rights's

So very proud of you Kristine.
This woman worked on a case regarding the release of a Guantanamo prisoner. This case was heard at the Supreme Court. It was the habeas corpus issue which won at this level.

Publisher Comments:
As a professional model and dancer in 1990, Kristine Huskey would never have guessed that by 2006 shed be one of Americas top human rights experts and attorney for the worlds most controversial prisoners. Then again, her life had always had its unexpected turns. In Justice at Guantanamo, Huskey tells the fascinating story of how she went from a childhood in Alaska to a civil war in Africa, the glitter (and grunge) of life in the Big Apple, backpacking overseas, and, finally, her true calling law.

Huskey was one of the first female lawyers to represent detainees of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp including those in two cases that yielded a landmark Supreme Court decision allowing them to challenge their status in federal courts. Justice at Guantanamo delves into Huskeys visits to the camps secretive, all-male world.

A tell-all journey of how one woman landed the toughest legal career on the planet defending suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bayby using personal strength, courage, and never letting anyone tell her no.

About the Author:
Kristine Huskey is a clinical professor of law and director of the National Security and Human Rights Clinic at the University of Texas School of Law. She has been a guest speaker on CNN, C-Span, and ABC NEWS, and was a featured “Woman to Watch” in Marie Claire magazine. She lives in Austin, Texas

Bill Maher... ignorance has life and death consequences

The Huffington Post
August 7, 2009

Bill Maher:
New Rule: Just because a country elects a smart president doesn't make it a smart country. And before I go about demonstrating how, let me just say that ignorance has life and death consequences.

Take the health care debate we're presently having: members of Congress have recessed now so they can go home and "listen to their constituents." An urge they should resist because their constituents don't know anything.

At a recent town-hall meeting in South Carolina, a man stood up and told his Congressman to "keep your government hands off my Medicare," which is kind of like which is kind of like driving cross country to protest highways.

Dave Barry's colonoscopy journal!

Dave Barry is a Pulitzer Price-winning humor columnist for the Miami Herald ... this he wrote is a must read... FUNNY
  • I called my friend Andy Sable, a gastroenterologist, to make an appointment for a colonoscopy.
  • A few days later, in his office, Andy showed me a color diagram of the colon, a lengthy organ that appears to go all over the place, at one point passing briefly through Minneapolis.
  • Then Andy explained the colonoscopy procedure to me in a thorough, reassuring and patient manner.
  • I nodded thoughtfully, but I didn't really hear anything he said, because my brain was shrieking, quote, 'HE'S GOING TO STICK A TUBE 17,000 FEET UP YOUR BEHIND!
  • 'I left Andy's office with some written instructions, and a prescription for a product called 'MoviPrep,' which comes in a box large enough to hold a microwave oven.
  • I will discuss MoviPrep in detail later; for now suffice it to say that we must never allow it to fall into the hands of America 's enemies.
  • I spent the next several days productively sitting around being nervous.
  • Then, on the day before my colonoscopy, I began my preparation.
  • In accordance with my instructions, I didn't eat any solid food that day; all I had was chicken broth, which is basically water, only with less flavor.
  • Then, in the evening , I took the MoviPrep. You mix two packets of powder together in a one-liter plastic jug, then you fill it with lukewarm water. (For those unfamiliar with the metric system, a liter is about 32 gallons). Then you have to drink the whole jug. This takes about an hour, because MoviPrep tastes - and here I am being kind - like a mixture of goat spit and urinal cleanser, with just a hint of lemon.
  • The instructions for MoviPrep, clearly written by somebody with a great sense of humor, state that after you drink it, 'a loose, watery bowel movement may result'.
  • This is kind of like saying that after you jump off your roof, you may experience contact with the ground.
  • MoviPrep is a nuclear laxative. I don't want to be too graphic, here, but: have you ever seen a space-shuttle launch? This is pretty much the MoviPrep experience, with you as the shuttle. There are times when you wish the commode had a seat belt. You spend several hours pretty much confined to the bathroom, spurting violently. You eliminate everything. And then, when you figure you must be totally empty, you have to drink another liter of MoviPrep, at which point, as far as I can tell, your bowels travel into the future and start eliminating food that you have not even eaten yet.
  • After an action-packed evening, I finally got to sleep.
  • The next morning my wife drove me to the clinic. I was very nervous. Not only was I worried about the procedure, but I had been experiencing occasional return bouts of MoviPrep spurtage. I was thinking, 'What if I spurt on Andy?' How do you apologize to a friend for something like that? Flowers would not be enough.
  • At the clinic I had to sign many forms acknowledging that I understood and totally agreed with whatever the heck the forms said. Then they led me to a room full of other colonoscopy people, where I went inside a little curtained space and took off my clothes and put on one of those hospital garments designed by sadist perverts; the kind that, when you put it on, makes you feel even more naked than when you are actually naked.
  • Then a nurse named Eddie put a little needle in a vein in my left hand. Ordinarily I would have fainted, but Eddie was very good, and I was already lying down. Eddie also told me that some people put vodka in their MoviPrep.
  • At first I was ticked off that I hadn't thought of this, but then I pondered what would happen if you got yourself too tipsy to make it to the bathroom, so you were staggering around in full Fire Hose Mode. You would have no choice but to burn your house.
  • When everything was ready, Eddie wheeled me into the procedure room, where Andy was waiting with a nurse and an anesthesiologist. I did not see the 17,000-foot tube, but I knew Andy had it hidden around there somewhere. I was seriously nervous at this point.
  • Andy had me roll over on my left side, and the anesthesiologist began hooking something up to the needle in my hand.
  • There was music playing in the room, and I realized that the song was 'Dancing Queen' by ABBA. I remarked to Andy that, of all the songs that could be playing during this particular procedure, 'Dancing Queen' had to be the least appropriate.
  • 'You want me to turn it up?' said Andy, from somewhere behind me. 'Ha ha,' I said. And then it was time; the moment I had been dreading for more than a decade. If you are squeamish, prepare yourself, because I am going to tell you, in explicit detail, exactly what it was like.
  • I have no idea! Really! I slept through it! One moment, ABBA was yelling,'Dancing Queen, feel the beat of the tambourine,' and the next moment, I was back in the other room, waking up in a very mellow mood.
  • Andy was looking down at me and asking me how I felt. I felt excellent. I felt even more excellent when Andy told me that It was all over, and that my colon had passed with flying colors. I have never been prouder of an internal organ.
Dave Barry is a Pulitzer Prize-winning humor columnist for the Miami Herald.On the subject of Colonoscopies...Colonoscopies are no joke, but these comments during the exam were quite humorous..... A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their colonoscopies:
1. 'Take it easy, Doc. You're boldly going where no man has gone before!'
2. 'Find Amelia Earhart yet?'
3. 'Can you hear me NOW?'
4. 'Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?'
5. 'You know, in Arkansas , we're now legally married.'
6. 'Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?'
7. 'You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out...'
8. 'Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!'
9. 'If your hand doesn't fit, you must quit!'
10. 'Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity.'
11. 'You used to be an executive at Enron, didn't you?'
12. 'God, now I know why I am not gay.'And the best one of all.
13. 'Could you write a note for my wife saying that my head is not up there?'

Found this quote on twitter and had to share... funny

"Just because you're living high on the hog, it doesn't mean you have to be a pig about it."--JGJ

Jolie Gets the Nude Statue Treatment

This is light and funny... Go in and see the photo. The link is at the bottom... check it out...

Jolie Gets the Nude Statue Treatment
Posted Wednesday 05 August 01:53 PM

Oklahoma City, look out! A nude, breastfeeding Angelina Jolie is coming to town ... in statue form, of course. The latest handiwork of celeb sculptor Daniel Edwards features Jolie in the buff with two babies -- likely meant to be twins Knox and Vivienne -- feeding off of her breasts. It should probably go without saying that this work is from Edwards' imagination, and nothing that Jolie posed for or authorized. See the Pics After the Jump!

Pakistan's Taliban Chief Killed

Well here we go again... getting one dude that we want really badly. And they still want to tell us that they cannot find Osama Bin Laden. Hopefully this administration will move in that direction. You know they should send a bunch of beautiful women out there to find Bin Laden. He is known to have spread his seeds all over the place... so maybe just maybe we can get him via his weakness. Hasn't anyone tried this? SEND OUT WOMEN TO FIND HIM!


The Daily Beast
August 7, 2009

Pakistan's Taliban Chief Killed Pakistan's Taliban's chief, Baitullah Mehsud, was killed in a U.S. drone missile strike on Friday, a Pakistani minister has confirmed. Mehsud was the nation's most wanted terrorist, a fierce ally of al Qaeda, and thought to be responsible for a number of suicide bombings and killings, including the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December 2007. The United States had a $5 million bounty on Mehsud's head, and a U.S. official said on Thursday that if the death was confirmed, it "would be a major victory" for U.S. efforts there. On Friday, Pakistan's Foreign minister confirmed: "According to my sources, this news is correct, and he has been taken out."

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Proud to be a woman and a "boricua de pura sepa!" Congratulations Sonia!


Senate confirms Judge Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination, 68-31, making her the first Hispanic on the high court.

Balanced Life: 23 Phrases to Help You Fight Right

Being in a new relationship I thought these would be to keep around in case I would need them. I did recently read something similar to this on the April 2009 Psychology Today. Enjoy it might help you!

Gretchen Rubin
Posted: August 6, 2009 07:52 AM
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Balanced Life -- 23 Phrases To Help You Fight Right

Every Wednesday is Tip Day.
This Wednesday: twenty-three phrases to help you fight right.

Almost all couples fight; the secret is to fight right. I've posted about what not to say during a fight. Here are some phrases that actually help.

I review this list from time to time, so that when I'm arguing with my husband, I remember the phrases that help me fight right. Recently, for instance, I was angry at my husband for showing - I thought - a lack of respect for my priorities. So I waited until a good moment (this itself is tough for me), and said, "I need you to listen. This is important to me." From his startled expression, he clearly thought I was starting a fight; but by warning him that I needed him to respond carefully, we managed to avoid a fight altogether.

When my husband and I do argue, I find that the single best technique to apply is humor. If one of us can laugh and joke around, the angry mood lifts instantly. But during an argument, my sense of humor is the first thing to go.

Failing that strategy, here are twenty-three phrases that help turn down the heat of anger:

  • Please try to understand my point of view.
  • Wait, can I take that back?
  • You don't have to solve this--it helps me just to talk to you.
  • This is important to me. Please listen.
  • I overreacted.
  • I see you're in a tough position.
  • I can see my part in this.
  • I hadn't thought of it that way before.
  • I could be wrong.
  • Let's agree to disagree on that.
  • This isn't just your problem, it's our problem.
  • I'm feeling unappreciated. [Always, my craving for gold stars!]
  • We're getting off the subject.
  • You've convinced me.
  • Let's take a break for a few minutes. [If you can remember to do this, it's extremely effective - especially if you're having a big fight. After a break, it's almost impossible to go back to yelling.]
  • Please keep talking to me.
  • I realize it's not your fault.
  • That came out all wrong.
  • I see how I contributed to the problem.
  • What are we really fighting about?
  • How can I make things better?
  • I'm sorry.
  • I love you.

I actually get tears in my eyes when I read this list. Such is the uplifting power of fighting right.

Also, to fight right, it's very important to respond well if your sweetheart makes a repair attempt - the technical term for a gesture of reconciliation and love. Don't rebuff a repair attempt!

What other strategies or phrases have helped you fight right?

* A thoughtful reader sent me the link to an excellent blog Half Full, about "the science of raising happy kids."

Producer Funded Clinton's Mission?

Just read this from the Daily Beast and sit here and wonder. Yes my friend wrote a blog in the Obama website and I wonder if they decided to explain... because they do read his blogs and has been banned from publishing some stuff because he says it as it is. So with that in mind, did the administration attempt to cover up a mission funded by them? Who knows... I just sit read and wonder... if you and I paid for it or if this Hollywood production was all funded by the rich and famous!


From the Daily Beast
August 6, 2009

Producer Funded Clinton's Mission

Bill Clinton may have been a hero this week, but on whose payroll? "Former president Bill Clinton's central role in the return of two journalists detained by North Korea has once again cast a spotlight on his vast web of financial and political contacts, a network that troubled senators who weighed whether to confirm his wife as secretary of state," according to The Washington Post. "Dow Chemical, which has contributed as much as $50,000 to the William J. Clinton Foundation, provided the plane that ferried the former president from his home in Westchester County, N.Y., to Burbank, Calif. There, he boarded an all-business-class Boeing 737 jet provided by wealthy Hollywood producer Steve Bing." Not only did Bing foot an estimated $200,000 on fuel, but the New York Post adds that "Bing's Shangri-La entertainment firm also funded a major logistical effort to carefully showcase Clinton's arrival in Tinseltown—which featured Ling lauding the former president while almost in tears."

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Its a Wonderful Life" by James Strauss

I want to share this because it made me laugh on a day that laughter is of utmost importance to me. From one that has worked from the inside and can tell us how it really works. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Its a Wonderful Life"
by James Strauss

They're back. Oh not those two chicks who did whatever the hell they were doing on the border of N. Korea. No, I mean Al Gore and Bill Clinton. Al arranged for the great swooping rescue by the great swooping rescuer (that would be Bill) so both of those two "whatever the hell they are now" guys are talking like crazy inside a private airline hanger to CNN and the world. Al has introduced Bill, telling us all what a heartfelt sacrificing individual the big galoot really go over and save two young American women from the clutches of that horrid simian dictator. Al smiles that wonderfully vapid Gore smile (which certainly had something to do with his having his election as president stolen) and says great things about Bill. He then introduces the man, expecting, without a doubt, that the great rescuer will say great things back. And Bill does not fail in that department. With one minor exception. He says great things alright, but he says them about himself. Clinton, strange faux blue dog democrat that he is, will go down in history as the greatest credit taker of all time. Al Gore, if he could have maintained the "I'm the guy who invented the internet" phrase credibly, would have secured that title. But no. We get Bill instead. His white hair almost iridescent inside the well coifed hangar, his body thin and in good shape. Gore nearby, sweating, with used car salesman hair and the 'I really am losing weight' girth.

It was also stated, prior to the huge plane rolling in, that Bill was on a private mission (totally unsupported by the U.S. government) to save those girls. I don't know why they bother with such giant introductory lies at events like this staged Hollywood production. Look at the plane! Its a 767, flying all over the world. That alone is about a million bucks of expense. Then there is the protecting of the plane because a former president, with Secret Service protection, is aboard it. How about five million or more to make sure Bill gets to and returns from a hostile country like North Korea. Who is paying all that money? We know damn well it is not Bill or the families of those girls. You and I are paying. Once more. The girls have been 'bailed out.' Now they too can write their books. They do need to take a little time to come up with a story though. Wandering about the country side near the N. Korean border isn't really going to fly.

I am very happy to see that the democrats have done a better job of getting the news away from healthcare, however. That last story they stuck in the way worked wonderfully well, but it did carry some ugly baggage. The Gates affair. This one has more positive elan. Young beautiful ladies of asian extraction saved from the world's most notorious pint-sized dictator. What if the girls had been black? You can tell that I write for Hollywood. Black would have been over the top.

Diane Sawyer, playing her well rehearsed role as the idiot-reporting blond, had the best question though. She posed it to the television audience when the plane was very slowly and majestically rolling into the hanger: "Do you think that Bill Clinton had a chance to discuss succession with Kim Jong?" I did get a kick out of that. I can picture the meeting in my mind. The somber Bill (his affected role for the exchange) leaning to the brightly smiling Kim (his affected role for the exchange) and whispering: ",when you're dead, soon who's getting the nod?" I liked the mental image of that. Thank you Diane. Kim is a generous man. I know he will leave that rocky mess of a country to his son. Unlike Bill. Bill would just take it with him. And Bill is still talking as I finish writing this. Al Gore is smiling that silly smile and darting his eyes sideways, waiting for Bill to say something great about him. Bill Clinton is talking about Bill Clinton and Al Gore is waiting for somebody to say great things about Al Gore. It is indeed a wonderful life.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Marilyn Monroe's Happy Birthday interpretation to JFK!



Hoy quiero compartir esta cancion de David Bisbal. En esta David canta del silencio que se queda despues de perder un amor.

Extrano a mi hijo y esta cancion me hizo sentir lo que estoy sintiendo.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Very funny joke

This is not true... it is a joke:

I've been extremely depressed lately so I decided to call Lifeline......

I got a freakin call center in Pakistan....

I told them I was suicidal....

They got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck!!!!!!!


I thought this was too funny not to share!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Most of you out there are fortunate that you can go to the beach with your family and friends.

I in turn am home watching on MSNBC a documentary on the homeless youth in San Francisco. It is really nervewrecking to watch. Painful to say the least. My heart is open and it feels like someone is just piercing and stirring it with a metal rod.

Why does America not get their people, specially their youth their vets help. My son is homeless in San Francisco and I have not heard from him since June 16. This tears my heart apart to say the least.

It does not matter how many NAMI meetings or therapy sessions I go to, it always hurts. I am always on the brink of tears when I mention his name or his sweet face crosses my mind.

Often visualize him smoking cigarette butts off the street and panhandling and I tear up. How does a mother deal with this? How does one live with this? Does this ever go away? Does it?

On this show these kids’ drug of choice was alcohol and marijuana. They would have the shakes every day from the night before until the shop opened the followinjg morning to buy more alcohol. What a life!

I am in pain always and on the brink as I said. It does not get any better. In fact as the days of non-communication continue the worse I feel inside. Noone really understands. Why not? Because I don’t know anyone not even at NAMI meetings that has a homeless son or daughter.


If in any way I have depressed you well, this is what I live and then people wonder why I live with a certain amount of anger within me. Yes. I have anger… a lot of anger… and I have been going through this for 10 years and it has not dissipated. I find it unjust and brutal! Raw life that penetrates my soul. A life of perdition that cripples me to even think it.


I wrote this in a blog yesterday and people started to give me all kinds of advice and within them that I should not feel this way. Funny isn't it. Very very very funny. Noone unless they have a homeless child out there can tell me how I should or should not feel! FEELINGS JUST ARE!
