Sunday, August 9, 2009


Dissenting voices
Voices of reason
Voices of idealists
Voices of pragmatists
Voices of irrationals
Voices of love
Voices of anger
Voices of fear
Voices of the healthy
Voices of the ill
Voices of the living
Voices of the dying
Voices of the caregivers
Voices of our government
Voices of senators
Voices of congressmen
Voices of terrorists
Voices of the communist
Voices of white supremacists
Voices of the KKK
Voices of the white
Voices of the people of color
Voices of your elders
Voices of loneliness
Voices of destruction
Voices of a schizophrenic mind
Voices of a rational mind
Voices all voices
Voices of the poor
Voices of the rich
Voices of the hicks
Voices of the erudite
Voices of the ignorant
Voices of the predators
Voices of the prey
Voices of humanity
Voices of terrorists
Voices of your neighbor
Voices of your leaders
Voices of your followers
Voices of your mother
Voices of your father
Voices of your children
Voices of your friends
Voices of your lovers
Voices of your doctors
Voices of journalists
Voices voices voices
I hear each and every one
They all tell a story
They are all an interpretation of the truth
They are all based on the law of relativity
They all are what they are through their own looking glass
They all are relative to their perception
To the ladybug the leaf is flat
To me the leaf is not
To the cubans Fidel is a monster
To his brother he is family
To the world Hitler was a criminal
To his wife her lover
To the world Manson is the devil
To his followers he was God
To us the homeless home is a nuisance
To the homeless it is home
To us the face of homelessness is blank
To the homeless it is not
Perception perception perception
Perception defines our lives
Our thoughts
Our actions
Our behavior
Journalists write about this
We call them opinion editorials
We can only see our reality, our truth,
our perception from our own looking glass
the prisoner of war’s perception of his capturers
is different from the capturer’s mother
Your truth, my truth, their truth, our truth


I then read this about the theory of relativity which I found interesting:

The theory of relativity was revolutionary because it showed how the speed at which time happens is mutable; that space and time are not discrete entities: time and space and motion (ie, movement through space) collapse into a fourth dimension, in which all act on each other. It is impossible to say "now" without saying "here" and "how fast".

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