Sarah Palin, we hardly knew ye: The Alaska governor steps down on Sunday. So what's next? "Palin has said little about any major moves, but has hinted that she has a bigger role in mind. She is scheduled to speak Aug. 8 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California, and has said she plans to write a book, campaign for political candidates from coast to coast and build a right-of-center coalition," according to the Associated Press. "We'll play it by ear," Todd Palin told Politico. "We'll take a little breather and go from there."
Well, Sarah, you can 't even read the newspaper and you want to write a book! English is not my first language but I sure know that I can express myself better than you. Maybe you can hire me to write it for you and it will appear to be written by you. If you have a real writer write it, NOONE WILL BELIEVE YOU! By the way Todd, of course you are taking a little breather... you have a book contract! Best deal in the world, ask Hillary Clinton. This will probably put you in the millionaire category.
It never seizes to amaze me how in America anyone can have their moment of fame regardless of whether or not they are offering anything valuable to the world.
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